Not Your Average Garage

If you did not know this already, the Wyanoke Builders team grew up and continue to reside in Montclair. What this means is that in addition to knowing how to avoid busy train crossings when in a rush across town or where to park to avoid getting a parking ticket, we also identified “favorite” houses throughout town. For that last reason, this project is especially near and dear to us. After years (actually decades) of passing by this favorite property of ours, we were thrilled when its Owner reached out to us for our help.
Their house, with its porte-cochere, stuccoed facade and bold black trim, however was not the problem. The issue was the garage in the rear yard which collapsed under the weight of a winter’s worth of heavy snow. While the collapsed garage was not original to the house (the house’s original carriage house was long ago annexed as a separate house and property!), it was situated conveniently up against the property lines – certainly not in compliance with the town’s current setback guidelines.
So in conjunction with Sionas Architecture, Wyanoke Builders sought out and achieved two main goals with this project. One, we obtained a variance enabling the new garage to be rebuilt in essentially the same location so the Owners did not have to sacrifice or alter their beautifully landscaped property. And two, we designed and built a garage that respected the style of the main house with its gambrel roof line, double hung wood windows and Ludowici clay tile roof.
Professionally and personally-speaking, this project will remain a wonderful example of why we’re proud to contribute to the upkeep, restoration and Architectural advancement of our hometown’s unique properties.